Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania
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DPS published the Standards Bulletin Annex No. 97

DPS published the Standards Bulletin No.97 for the period October - December 2023

DPS published the Standards Bulletin No.96 for the period July - September 2023

DPS published the Standards Bulletin No.95 for the period April- June 2023

DPS published the Standards Bulletin No.94 for the period April- June 2023

DPS published the Standards Bulletin Annex No. 93

DPS published the Standards Bulletin No.93 for the period October - December 2022

Awareness campaign on Quality Infrastructure in the city of Vlora

On January 12 and 13, 2023, within the framework of the calendar of promotional activities approved by the MFE, an awareness-raising and promotional activity on the role and importance of standards in quality infrastructure was held in the city of Vlora.

Memorandum of Cooperation between the General Directorate of Standardization and the Institute for Standardization of the Republic of North Macedonia (ISRSM)

![](/images/upload/img/topic.png) In Tirana, at the invitation of the Director General of the General Directorate of Standardization of the Republic of Albania (DPS), Mr. Riza Hasanaj, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between DPS and ISRSM.

Awareness campaign on quality infrastructure stops in Korça

On June 8 and 9, an awareness and promotional activity on the role and importance of standards in quality infrastructure took place in the city of Korça.

Quality infrastructure awareness campaign launched

Representatives of the General Directorate of Standardization (GDS), the General Directorate of Accreditation (GDA) and the General Directorate of Metrology (GDM) participated in this awareness-raising activity.

A new wind for mental health at work

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the emotional and mental health of employees. It has brought negative consequences, but it has also stimulated positive changes in the labor market.

DPS publishes Bulletin No. 90

DPS has published the Standards Bulletin for the period January-March 2022. Information about standards published and repealed during this period.

DPS has published customer assessment forms

The General Directorate of Standardization (GDS) is a public institution certified according to the SSH EN ISO 9001:2015 standard "Quality management systems - Requirements".

Meeting of the Steering Board of the General Directorate of Standardization (DPS)

The Board of Directors (BD) of the General Directorate of Standardization (GDS) held its meeting today, April 6, 2022.

DPS publikon Buletinin Nr. 88

DPS ka publikuar Buletinin e Standardeve për periudhën Korrik-Shtator 2021. Informacion rreth standardeve të publikuara dhe të shfuqizuara gjatë kësaj periudhe.

DPS published the Bulletin No. 87

DPS published the Standards Bulletin for the period April - June 2021. Information about the standards published and repealed during this period.

Joint working meeting DPS-AKS

A 2-day meeting was held at the premises of the General Directorate of Standardization, June 21-22, 2021, with representatives of the Kosovo Agency for Standardization and DPS, according to the previously agreed agenda.