The General Directorate of Standardization (DGS) is the National Standardization Organization in Albania. It represents the Republic of Albania in European and International Standardization Organizations and the interests of the entire economy of the country in the drafting and adoption of European and International standards as Albanian Standards (SSH).
DGS is the National Notification Authority and the National Reference Point in the WTO for standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures with an impact on trade.
DGS Governing Board
The Governing Board of the General Directorate of Standardization is one of the governing bodies of this institution, whose mission is to ensure transparency and impartiality among interested parties in the standardization decision-making process and to maintain the equality of each party in this process.
The Governing Board consists of 11 members, who are representatives of interested parties in the standardization process, namely business, government, consumers, academia. This representation is such that the interests of the parties are balanced, where the right to propose, to be informed and to decide is balanced between the parties.
DPS Technical Board
The management of the technical work of standardization is carried out by the Technical Board. This technical body meets at least twice a year to review, consult and make the final decision on issues related to the organization, coordination and planning of standardization work.
The Technical Board (TB) is composed of representatives from the parties interested in standardization, who voluntarily contribute technical expertise to this process. The approval of the members is made by the Board of Directors upon the proposal of the Director General of DPS in the capacity of the Chairman of the TB.
Standardization Technical Committees (TC)
Standardization Technical Committees (TC) are the working bodies of the DPS and are activated for certain fields of standardization. Participation in the TC is voluntary, open to all interested parties. Members of these bodies are proposed and approved by the Technical Board in accordance with the requirements specified in the relevant regulation.
DPS cooperates with about 200 experts, with experience in various fields, who come from the private and public sectors, Scientific Institutions, Public Administration, Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Producers and Consumer Associations, Universities, etc., who directly bring the opinions of the parties they represent, during the process of drafting and approving standards.
National Standardization Forum
Based also on Law no. 10384 - “On some amendments to Law No. 9870, dated 02.04.2008 “On Standardization”, the National Standardization Forum (NSF) has been established within the DPS.
Any natural and/or legal person exercising activity in the Republic of Albania may become a member of this forum.
The Regulation on the organization and functioning of the NSF has been approved by the Board of Directors. The Regulation defines the types of membership, application and acceptance of membership, membership quotas/fees, rights and obligations, etc.
Public Opinion
Within the framework of transparency, inclusiveness and consensus, the DPS publishes in the Periodic Standards Bulletin all draft standards envisaged for adoption by the various active Technical Committees (TCs). This list is made available in electronic format on the DPS website (or sent by e-mail to interested parties) and in printed form at its premises.
For a period of 60 days, the TCs await comments on the draft standards so that their adoption is in line with the national interest. Comments can be sent via e-mail or the DPS website.