Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania
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Rights and obligations of members

1. Members (with full rights and observers in the FKS) have the right to:

Participate in the technical work of the DPS - technical committees and working groups,

Receive information regarding standardization work at national, European and international level,

Propose candidates for members of the Steering Board within the established criteria.

Propose candidates for members of the Technical Board,

Receive free of charge the official bulletin, catalog, other informative materials, familiarize themselves with - the internal regulations of the DPS,

Receive regular information on conferences and seminars organized by the DPS, have a discount on payment for Albanian standards and draft standards,

Have a discount on the price for services provided by the DPS.

2. In addition to the rights listed above, full members have the right to:

Be informed regarding any important issue of particular interest to them;

Participate in the work of the technical bodies of European and international standardization organizations,

Have access to the working documents of the technical bodies in which they participate, subject to respect for copyright and use of the DPS right,

Have discounts on the price of seminars and training programs organized by the DPS.

3. The discount on the sale of standards and standardization documents, in seminars and training programs organized by the DPS is decided with the approval of the Ministry of Finance.

4. Members of the FKS have the following obligations:

To respect the Law on Standardization, the Internal Regulations, the decisions/orders of the governing bodies of the DPS,

To contribute to the achievement of the goals and implementation of the tasks of the DPS,

To pay their membership contributions by the end of the first quarter of each calendar year,

To act in accordance with the national rules of standardization work, to help promote the use of Albanian standards and to protect the reputation of the DPS,

To respect the intellectual property rights, exploitation rights and copyright of the DPS,

To not act to the detriment of the goals and interests of the DPS,

To support the progress of the work of the technical committees in which they participate.

Members of the FKS, who have the status of participants in the technical committees, have the obligation to provide opinions and vote on Albanian draft standards developed in the relevant technical committees.