Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania
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Buyer groups

Buyers of standards can be students, individuals (natural or legal), associates or businesses. This section reflects information on tariffs (Table 1. Selling prices of Albanian standards) and the corresponding discounts according to the following criteria:

For all Albanian Standards (SSH) published by DPS, whether these are purely Albanian standards or those that adopt European (EN) and international ones (ISO and IEC), the price per page as given in the attached list will be applied;

For all Albanian Standards (SSH) published by DPS, whether these are purely Albanian standards or those that adopt European (EN) and international ones (ISO and IEC), that are requested by students, the price is 15% of the price per page as given in the attached list;

Individuals (natural and/or legal) who purchase more than 10 standards benefit from a 10% discount on the total value of the requested standards;

Sales agents, specified in the agreements concluded between DPS and them, benefit from 30% of the total value for all sales of standards (SSH) made by them, while the remaining 70% goes to DPS;

For DPS collaborators* the price is 50% of the price for each requested standard, as given in the attached price list.

*Cooperators are all representatives of interested parties, who, based on point 3 of article 12 of law no. 9870, date 4.2.2008 “On Standardization”, as amended, voluntarily contribute to the work process for the drafting and approval of standards, through their participation in the DPS Technical Committees.

Agents and sub-distributors

DPS has a cooperation agreement with the Kosovo Standardization Agency, where among other things DPS has designated ASK as the official seller of DPS for the resale of Albanian standards within the territory of Kosovo. This agreement respects all the requirements of Guide 10 regarding sales policies that must be respected by countries that enjoy different statuses in CEN/CENELEC.

In order to better meet the needs of customers and to be as close as possible to them, DPS has delegated the right to sell a group of standards in function of their fields of interest, to institutions such as:

Construction Institute (IN) in Tirana,

KIBE 1 shpk in Durrës (Building Materials Testing Laboratory);

Regional Development Agency (ARDH) in Korça, Konfindustria;

Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Tirana.

The relations with these organizations are regulated in the respective agreements concluded between DPS and these entities. These sub-distributors or Official Sellers of DPS, operating within the Albanian territory and in Kosovo, are obliged to implement the sales policies. For sales agents who work on the basis of a contract concluded between DPS and them, 70% of the price value belongs to DPS and 30% to the agents.