Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania
Main menu


About authority

Organizational structure

Regulatory legal framework

The DPS does not adopt rules, norms or restrictions on the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual.

The right to be informed and to complain

Request / Explanatory Forms (Steps to follow to make a request for information)

Control and monitoring mechanisms operating on the AP

The General Directorate of Standardization is an institution subordinate to and reports to the Ministry of Finance and Economy. The evaluation of the activity is carried out through the Internal Audit of the MFE.

Information on the budget and financial data of the AP

Information on procurement procedures/competitive concession/public private partnership procedures

Procedures/mechanisms for providing opinions regarding the process of drafting legal/sub-legal acts, public policies or regarding the exercise of the functions of the PA

Document retention system, types and forms of documents

Register of requests and responses

Social assistance/subsidies provided by the AP

Information/documents that are most frequently requested and those deemed useful for publication by the AP