Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania
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Frequently Asked Questions/Answers

1. What is DPS?

The General Directorate of Standardization (DGSD) is the National Standardization Body in Albania, established about 69 years ago, which exercises its activity based on Law 9870, 04.02.2008 “On Standardization”. DGSD represents the Republic of Albania in all recognized European and International Standardization Organizations such as: European Committee for Standardization (CEN), European Committee for Electrotechnical Standards (CENELEC), European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) and the interests of the entire country's economy in the drafting and adoption of European and International standards as Albanian Standards.

2. What is the Mission of the DPS?

To approximate and coordinate all activities for a modern standardization system at the national level based on the procedures and practices of the European and International Standardization Organizations;

To transfer and make available to the domestic economy and interested parties the latest European and International technology, thus achieving their adoption as Albanian Standards (AS);

To raise public awareness of the important role that the use of adopted European and International standards and European conformity assessment procedures has for trade and the consumer;

To provide transparency in all stages of the drafting and adoption of standards, inclusiveness and consensus of all interested parties;

To raise awareness of the business community, but not only, to increase the quality of domestic products and services;

To represent and protect the interests of the country's economy in the process of drafting and approving standards, especially European ones, by becoming a full member of CEN and CENELEC.

3. What are the Priorities of the DPS?

Approximation of our legal package with the model of our counterparts in the EU;

Full implementation in practice of the approximated legislation;

Meeting the conditions to become a full member of CEN&CENELEC;

Continuation and increase in the number of adoptions of European standards (EN) as Albanian standards (SSH);

Taking all necessary measures in order to increase the implementation of ENs in our economy.

4. What is a standard?

Standards are technical, voluntary documents, which:

contain technical specifications for products or services in various fields;

are prepared upon the proposal of interested parties, participating or not in the DPS Technical Committees;

are based on the results of contemporary technology development;

are approved by consensus by the DPS Technical Committees and ratified by the DPS;

are made available to anyone.

5. What do standards do for you?

Standards encourage economic growth;

Standards are tools in the hands of manufacturers to implement legislation, especially in the areas covered by the New Approach;

Standards increase the safety and quality of products and services and encourage the growth of fair competition in the market;

Standards eliminate technical barriers to trade and facilitate trade with other countries;

Standards ensure the appropriate ecological level, sustainability and environmental protection.

6. Prices of standards?

Tariffs and benefits; provided for in the letter: “Approval of the standards sales tariffs”, sent by the Ministry of Finance, dated 12.04.2016. Price list

7. How can I buy a standard?

You can buy the standard at the DPS offices but you can also order it online on our website: www.dps.gov.al

8. Does DPS offer discounts on standards prices?

Buyers of standards can be students, individuals (natural or legal), associates or businesses. The respective discounts are according to the following criteria:

For all Albanian Standards (SSH) published by DPS, whether these are purely Albanian standards or those that adopt European (EN) and international ones (ISO and IEC), that are requested by students, the price is 15% of the price per page as given in the attached list;

Individuals (natural and/or legal), who purchase more than 10 standards benefit from a 10% discount on the total value of the requested standards;

Sales agents, specified in the agreements concluded between DPS and them, benefit from 30% of the total value for all sales of standards (SSH) made by them, while the remaining 70% goes to DPS;

For DPS collaborators* the price is 50% of the price for each required standard, as given in the attached price list.

Cooperators are all representatives of interested parties, who, based on point 3 of article 12 of law no. 9870, date 4.2.2008 “On Standardization”, as amended, voluntarily contribute to the work process for the drafting and approval of standards, through their participation in the DPS Technical Committees.