Organization of standardization activities
The Working Rules and Procedures for National Standardization Activities have been drafted in accordance with the principles and rules of the international standardization organizations ISO and IEC, the European standardization organizations CEN & CENELEC and ETSI and the WTO Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards.
The Working Rules and Procedures for National Standardization Activities are intended for all participants in the standardization process: the Chairman of the DPS Technical Board (DPS / BT), the chairman, secretary and members, the DPS Technical Committees (DPS / TC) and the chairmen of other technical bodies, secretaries, members and experts, as well as for the DPS staff.
The DPS bodies, which implement the technical work for national standardization activities, are the DPS Technical Board (DPS / BT), DPS Technical Committees (DPS / TC) / DPS Project Committees (DPS / PC), DPS Permanent Working Groups (DPS / TC / PWG) and DPS Technical Working Groups (DPS / TWG).
The working rules for national standardization activities are: Part I - General Principles; Part II - Organization of Standardization Activities; Part III - Structure, Content and Drafting of Albanian Standards.
These working rules and procedures for national standardization activities have been drafted by the General Directorate of Standardization (DPS) in implementation of Law No. 9870, dated 04.02.2008 "On Standardization", as amended.