Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania
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Quality Policies

The General Directorate of Standardization (DG) is committed to continuously and sustainably satisfying the needs and expectations of its clients by providing timely and quality services. In this context, its leaders have defined the quality policy, which is communicated to the DG staff through the following actions:

• Annual meeting with all staff to illustrate the Quality Policy;

• Displaying the DG policy in a visible place within its premises.

The Quality Policy is reviewed annually, also within the framework of the reviews of the Quality Management System activities, but mainly to clarify its compliance with the developments and strategic objectives of DG.

DG Quality Policies are oriented towards:

Client requirements;

Ensuring in advance its services in function of the priorities of governance and economic development of the country;


Continuous improvement of its services to customers and stakeholders;

Recording/tracking of processes;

Continuous analysis and improvement of the services provided.

DPS supports national efforts for the economic development of the country, by providing efficient, sustainable and impartial services in:

Drafting of pure Albanian Standards in accordance with the requirements of the economy;

Adopting European and International Standards and Standardization Documents as Albanian Standards (SSH) and Albanian Standardization Documents (DS), with the aim of reducing Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and consequently increasing the volume of trade exchanges, based on the requirements of our customers;

Selling standards and informing the public about the standards work program and activities in the field of standardization;

Exchange of information in the field of standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures, within the framework of the agreements with the WTO and CEFTA on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), obligations arising from the implementation of Regulation 1025/2012 and with any interested party;

Raising awareness of economic operators regarding the concepts of standardization and the importance of standards in overcoming barriers to international trade;

Increasing service efficiency through continuous improvement of the Information Technology infrastructure in terms of work automation and facilitating access to information on standards.

SPEED, QUALITY, COMPETENCE, INTEGRITY and TRANSPARENCY are the basic principles of our work while providing service to our clients.

Date: 15/12/2021