Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania
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Technical Board of the General Directorate of Standardization

DPS Technical Board

The management of the technical work of standardization is carried out by the Technical Board. This technical body meets at least twice a year to review, consult and make the final decision on issues related to the organization, coordination and planning of standardization work.

The Technical Board (TB) is composed of representatives of the parties interested in standardization, who voluntarily contribute technical expertise to this process. The approval of the members is made by the Board of Directors upon the proposal of the Director General of the DPS in the capacity of the Chairman of the TB.

The management of the technical work of standardization is delegated to the Technical Board, whose function, prior to its establishment, was performed by the DPS Group of Experts (GES).

In accordance with Law no. 9870 “On Standardization” dated 09.12.2010, the Technical Board of the DPS was established, which operates based on its regulation, approved by the Board of Directors.

Members of the Technical Board - 2025
Riza Hasanaj
General Directorate of Standardization

| Besnik Qoku |
| ALFA ATEST d.o.o Albania Branch |

| Engjëll Hoxha |
| Euromed sh.p.k |

| Briseida Xhafa |
| General Directorate of Accreditation |

| Markel Baballëku |
| Faculty of Construction |

| Ilirjana Boçi |
| UT, Faculty of Sciences |

| Dritan Ajdinaj |
| Faculty of Forestry |

| Taulant Spahiu |
| Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UPT |

| Pëllumb Metohu |
| Expert in the field of Standardization |

| Gentian Muça |
| QUALG - Quality and Productivity Organization |

| Arben Burda |
| "Marin Barleti" University |

| Neiron Zaçe |
| Gener 2 - ABA Business Center |

| Mimoza Cukalla |
| Polytechnic University of Tirana |

1. Competences of the DPS BT

1.1 The DPS BT performs its functions by meeting and has the following competences:

a) decides on all issues related to the organization, procedures, coordination and planning of work for the approval of standards;

b) monitors and controls the progress of work on standards in close cooperation with the secretaries and chairmen of the Technical Committees,

c) reviews proposals for new Draft Standards (adoptions of regional (EN) or international origin);

d) establishes and abolishes the working bodies of the DPS (Technical Committees (TC) and Working Groups (WG);

e) proposes and approves the composition of the TC and WG;

f) approves the Chairman of the TC based on proposals received from the secretariat of these working bodies;

g) keeps under review the title, purpose and work program of each TC in order to ensure coordination between them and avoid overlaps in the program;

h) plays a decision-making role on issues related to the appeal and “stand still” procedures;

i) performs any other duties related to technical standardization activities required by the DPS Steering Board.