Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania
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Customer care

Report – on the Client Questionnaire

SPEED, QUALITY, COMPETENCE, INTEGRITY and TRANSPARENCY are the basic principles of our work while providing service to our clients.

The General Directorate of Standardization (GDS) has oriented its work towards fulfilling the requirements of our esteemed clients as best as possible in order to increase their satisfaction level by working particularly towards:

Increasing the competence of employees in order to provide the most complete and accurate service to the client (training in the field of standardization, for the sale and distribution of standards, in some quality management procedures, etc.).

Assisting and informing state bodies, businesses, other interested parties with the necessary information in the field of standardization and technical regulations.

Development of Information Technology in terms of facilitating access to information for interested parties on standards and standardization (Albanian Standards Catalog online, Online ordering of standards through the website and tracking of the ordering steps, receiving feedback from the client on the various topics expressed in the articles published on the website, etc.)

DPS has analyzed the questionnaire made available to the client. Through the responses and comments, we have assessed the level of client satisfaction and have issued tasks to make the necessary changes in the work procedures.

Assessments on the responses given:

1. Clients are satisfied with the services provided by DPS.

2. In general, the level of cooperation with DPS has been satisfactory.

3. On average, DPS's work has been at a high level of cooperation with clients on the required standards.

4. The speed of service provision is quite high.

5. The readiness of employees is at satisfactory levels.

6. Clients feel quite satisfied with the competence of employees in relation to the requests that clients have.

7. Clients have remained very satisfied with the manner of communication and ethics of DPS employees.

8. The quality of translation of standards has always been increasing.

9. Changes can be made to the form of presentation of standards that would be clearer and more understandable for clients.

10. One of the clients' requests is that services can be performed online as it would be a convenience for clients.

Comments about the work of DPS and standards.

1. The content of the standards should be in Albanian. Many misinterpretations occur during the analysis of the requirements of the standard.

2. There is a qualified staff.