A 2-day meeting was held at the premises of the General Directorate of Standardization (GDS), on 21-22 June 2021, with representatives of the Kosovo Agency for Standardization (KAS) and representatives of the GDS, according to the previously agreed agenda, representatives of the KSA and GDS.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Kosovo Agency for Standardization:
Bujar Istogu - Director of the Directorate for Standards, Promotion and Integration
Qefsere Ajeti - Official for the creation of the Standards Database
Zijadin Ismajli - Sales and Marketing Officer
GDS was represented by employees from the Directorate of Standards and the Directorate of Legal Affairs and Stakeholder Relations, according to the points for discussion on the meeting agenda.
The following issues were discussed:
* Order for new standards;
* Discussion on the progress of the implementation of the agreement;
* Implementation of the adoption and repeal process;
* About harmonized standards;
* About the Standards Management System.
Special attention was also paid to the completion of the documentation by DPS for full membership in CEN/CENELEC, especially the latest developments in the DPS Standards Management System, according to the harmonized service model, in order to achieve communication with the databases of European and International Standardization Organizations.
Since AKS also uses a similar system for managing standards information, it will soon have to develop its system according to the harmonized service model, which ensures communication with the databases of Standardization Organizations and the possibility of communication with DPS SMS will also be considered.