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prSSH EN 301 166-1 V1.3.1:2008

Çështjet e pajtueshmërisë Elektromagnetike dhe të spektrit të Radios (ERM); Shërbimi Tokësor i Lëvizshëm; Pajisje radio për komunikimin analog dhe/ose dixhital (të të folurit dhe/ose të të dhënave) dhe që punojnë në kanalet me bandë të ngushtë dhe që kanë një bashkues për antenë; Pjesa 1: Karakteristika teknike dhe metodat e matjes

Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Land Mobile Service; Radio equipment for analogue and/or digital communication (speech and/or data) and operating on narrow band channels and having an antenna connector; Part 1: Technical characteristics and methods of measurement

General information

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European Norm


The present document covers the technical requirements for radio transmitters and receivers used in stations in the Private Mobile Radio (PMR) service. It applies to use in the land mobile service, operating on radio frequencies between 30 MHz and 3 GHz, with narrow channel separations (CSP) (less than 10 kHz) and intended for speech and/or data. It is the intention of the present document to cover any Channel Bandwidths (CBW) permitted by National Administrations for such systems, e.g. 6,25 kHz.

Life cycle


prSSH EN 301 166-1 V1.3.1:2008
40.60 Close of voting
5 sht 2024

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