This CENELEC Guide establishes useful guidelines for the preparation and use of standards in the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in general, and in particular for the implementation of the EMC Directive and the Radio Equipment Directive (RED). This Guide is intended to be used by Technical Committees.
The purpose of this guide is to give advice on:
- the preparation of dedicated Product and Product Family Standards;
- the application of EMC Standards.
Certification aspects are not covered by this Guide.
NOTE Certification is the action by a third party demonstrating that adequate confidence is provided that a duly identified product, process or service is in conformity with a standard or with other normative documents.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva e BE 2014/30 e Parlamentit Evropian dhe e Këshillit e datës 26 Shkurt 2014 mbi harmonizimin e ligjeve të Shteteve Anëtare në lidhje me përputhshmërinë elektromagnetike (riformulim)
prDS CLC Guide 34:2024
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7 nën 2024