IEC 60749-5:2023 provides a steady-state temperature and humidity bias life test to evaluate the reliability of non-hermetic packaged semiconductor devices in humid environments. This test method is considered destructive. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) The specification of the test equipment is changed to require the need to minimize relative humidity gradients and maximize air flow between semiconductor devices under test;
b) The specification of the test equipment fixtures is changed to require the avoidance of condensation on devices under test and on electrical fixtures connecting the devices to the test equipment;
c) replacement of references to “virtual junction” with “die”.
IEC 60749-5:2017 ED2
IEC 60749-5:2023 ED3
Standard published
19 dhj 2023
Pajisje gjysmëpërçuese - Metodat e provës mekanike dhe klimatike - Pjesa 5:Prova e jetëgjatësisë në temperaturë dhe lagështi konstante nën stresin elektrik
60.60 Standard published
Pajisje gjysëmpërçuese - Metoda të provave mekanike dhe klimatike - Pjesa 5: Prova e jetëgjatësisë në ndikimin e temperaturës dhe lagështirës në gjendje të qëndrueshme
10.00 Proposal for new project registered