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SSH EN 14385:2024

Shkarkimet e burimeve stacionare - Përcaktimi i shkarkimeve të përgjithshme të elementëve kimik As. Cd. Cr. Co. Cu. Mn. Ni. Pb. Sb. Tl dhe V

Stationary source emissions - Determination of the total emission of As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl and V
13 jan 2025

General information

60.60     13 jan 2025



DPS/KT 230

European Norm





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This document specifies a manual reference method for the determination of the mass concentration of specific elements in stationary source emissions. The method is applicable to each of the specific elements in the concentration range of 0,005 mg/m3 to 5 mg/m3.
This document has been validated for the determination of the mass concentration of metals in incineration exhaust gases - applying the performance criteria stated in Clause 9 - for the following elements:
- arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), antimony (Sb), thallium (Tl), and vanadium (V) and their compounds.
The document can be used to determine metals other than those listed above (for example, selenium (Se) (ISO 17211), tellurium (Te), beryllium (Be), tin (Sn) and zinc (Zn)).
NOTE 1 These other metals mentioned above are commonly required by National Regulations, but this document currently has not yet been validated for these metals.
The document was validated for waste incinerators, but it is also applicable to other industrial processes, the practical experience shows that it can be applied over wide concentration ranges and various emission sources.
If mercury is intended to be determined as well, this can be sampled in a side stream arrangement of the sampling train (EN 13211) [5].
NOTE 2 This document has been validated with the described materials, equipment, sampling, and digestion performances etc., followed by analyses with atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES,) or inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This does not exclude the use of other types of equipment or analyses that meet the requirements and have been proven to be equivalent to the described European Standard.

Related directives

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Shkrumbimi i mbetjeve


Shkrumbimi i mbetjeve të rrezikshme


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Life cycle


SSH EN 14385:2005


SSH EN 14385:2024
60.60 Standard published
13 jan 2025

Related project

Adopted from EN 14385:2024 IDENTICAL