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SSH EN IEC 61243-1:2021

Punime nën tension - Detektorët e tensionit - Pjesa 1: Tipi kapacitiv që përdoret për tensione që e kalojnë 1 kV a.c.

Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 1: Capacitive type to be used for voltages exceeding 1 kV AC
24 nën 2021

General information

60.60     24 nën 2021



European Norm

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IEC 61243-1:2021 is applicable to portable voltage detectors, with or without built-in power sources, to be used on electrical systems for voltages of 1 kV to 800 kV AC, and frequencies of 50 Hz and/or 60 Hz.

This document applies only to voltage detectors of capacitive type used in contact with the bare part to be tested, as a complete device including its insulating element or as a separate device, adaptable to an insulating stick which, as a separate tool, is not covered by this document (see for general design).

Other types of voltage detectors are not covered by this document.

Self ranging voltage detectors (formally "multi range voltage detectors") are not covered by this document.

Some restrictions or formal interdictions on their use are applicable in case of switchgear of IEC 62271 series design, due to insulation coordination, on overhead line systems of electrified railways (see Annex B) and systems without neutral reference. For systems without neutral reference, the insulating level is adapted to the maximum possible voltage to the earth (ground).

Products designed and manufactured according to this document contribute to the safety of users provided they are used by persons trained for the work, in accordance with the hot stick working method and the instructions for use.

Except where otherwise specified, all the voltages defined in this document refer to values of phase-to-phase voltages of three-phase systems. In other systems, the applicable phase-to-phase or phase-to-earth (ground) voltages are used to determine the operating voltage.

This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2003 and Amend-ment 1:2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:

a) The scope is more precise, stating that only bare contact to the part to be tested is reliable for these contact voltage detectors. The rationale is that tests on painted or coated conductors have led to wrong indications, as this non-conductive paint or coat acts as a capacitor with different capacity according to the thickness. This capacity has an effect on the threshold voltage.

b) A contact probe is introduced as a new type of non-conductive contact electrode.

c) A new type "exclusively outdoor type" has been defined and implemented into the requirements and test procedure.

d) A selector for voltage and frequency is allowed if foreseeable misuse is excluded.

e) The marking for voltage detectors with low interference voltage has been made more precise.

f) The indication groups have been made more precise and requirements and tests for the "ready to operate state" and "stand-by state" added.

g) Requirements and tests for electromagnetic compatability have been implemented.

h) An example for good electrical connection for the tests is introduced.

Life cycle


SSH EN IEC 61243-1:2021
60.60 Standard published
24 nën 2021

Related project

Adopted from EN IEC 61243-1:2021

Adopted from IEC 61243-1:2021 ED3