ISO 10993-6:2007 specifies test methods for the assessment of the local effects after implantation of biomaterials intended for use in medical devices.
ISO 10993-6:2007 applies to materials that are:
solid and non-biodegradable;
degradable and/or resorbable;
non-solid, such as porous materials, liquids, pastes and particulates.
ISO 10993-6:2007 may also be applied to medical devices that are intended to be used topically in clinical indications where the surface or lining may have been breached, in order to evaluate local tissue responses.
This part of ISO 10993 does not deal with systemic toxicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity or mutagenicity. However, the long-term implantation studies intended for evaluation of local biological effects may provide insight into some of these properties. Systemic toxicity studies conducted by implantation may satisfy the requirements of ISO 10993-6:2007.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2007/47/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të 5 shtator 2007 amendon Direktivën e Këshillit 90/385/EEC mbi përafrimin e ligjeve të Shteteve Anëtare në lidhje me pajisje medicinale aktive transplatuese, Direktiva e Këshillit 93/42/EEC në lidhje me pajisjet mjekësore dhe Direktivën 98/8/EC në lidhje me vendosjen e produkteve biocide në treg
SSH EN ISO 10993-6:2009
Withdrawal of Standard
23 tet 2017