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SSH EN ISO 13732-1:2007

Siguria e makinave - Temperaturat e sipërfaqeve të prekshme - Të dhënat ergonomike për përcaktimin e vlerave të kufirit të temperaturës për sipërfaqet e nxehta

Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact with surfaces - Part 1: Hot surfaces (ISO 13732-1:2006)
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   17 qer 2009

General information

95.99     17 qer 2009


DPS/KT 114

European Norm



This standard provides temperature threshold values for the occurrence of burns when the human skin is in contact with a hot solid surface.
This standard also describes methods for the assessment of the risks of burning, when humans can or may touch hot surfaces with the unprotected skin.
This standard also gives guidance when it is necessary to specify temperature limit values for hot surfaces. This standard gives guidance but does not set surface temperature limit values.
NOTE 1 Such temperature limit values may be specified in specific product standards or in regulations in order to prevent human beings to sustain burns when in contact with the hot surface of a product.
This standard applies to contact periods of 0,5 s and longer.
This standard is not applicable if a large area of the skin (approximately 10 % or more of the skin of the whole body) can be in contact with the hot surface. This standard is also not applicable to skin contact of more than 10 % of the head or contact which could result in burns of vital areas of the face.
NOTE 2 In some cases the results of contact with a hot surface may be more serious for the individual, e.g.:
· burns resulting in the restriction of airways;
· large burn (more than 10 % of the body surface) may impair the circulation by fluid loss;
· heating of a large proportion of the head or whole body may lead to unacceptable heat strain even in the absence of burning.
This standard applies to hot surfaces of all kind of objects: equipment, products, buildings, natural objects, etc. In order to simplify the standard only products are mentioned herein, but it applies to all other objects, too.
This standard applies to products used in any environment, e.g. workplaces, the home etc..
This standard applies to hot surfaces of products which may be touched by healthy adults, children, elderly people and also by people with physical disabilities.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.



Të harmonizuara

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 13732-1:2008


SSH EN ISO 13732-1:2007
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
17 qer 2009


SSH EN 13202:2000

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO 13732-1:2006


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