Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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SSH EN 13202:2000

Ergonomia e mjediseve termike - Temperaturat e sipërfaqeve të nxehta. të cilat janë të prekshme - Udhëzues për përcaktimin e vlerave kufitare të temperaturës së sipërfaqes në standardet e produktit me ndihmën e standardit EN 563

Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Temperatures of touchable hot surfaces - Guidance for establishing surface temperature limit values in production standards with the aid of EN 563
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   31 dhj 2008

General information

95.99     31 dhj 2008


European Norm



This standard specifies methods for the assessment of the risk of burning when a hot surface is touched by unprotected skin. This document also describes how surface temperature limit values can be established in product standards with the aid of EN 563. The guidance is for establishing temperature limit values in all fields, where surface temperature limit values are required. Its field of application is not restricted to the safety of machinery. It is applicable for all kinds of products where hot surfaces cause a risk of burning. It applies as well for electrically powered products as for all other products.

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 13732-1:2007


SSH EN 13202:2000
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
31 dhj 2008

Related project

Adopted from EN 13202:2000


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