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00.99 Approval to ballot proposal for new project

TC 86/SC 86B më tepër

Future IEC 61300-3-55: FIBRE OPTIC INTERCONNECTING DEVICES AND PASSIVE COMPONENTS – BASIC TEST AND MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES – Part 3-55: Examination and measurements – Polarisation extinction ratio and keying accuracy of polarisation maintaining, passive, optical components

00.99 Approval to ballot proposal for new project

TC 86/SC 86B më tepër

FIBRE OPTIC INTERCONNECTING DEVICES AND PASSIVE COMPONENTS – PERFORMANCE STANDARD – Part 085-03: Non-connectorized single-mode pigtailed CWDM devices for category OP – Outdoor protected environment

10.60 Close of voting

TC 86/SC 86B më tepër

FIBRE OPTIC INTERCONNECTING DEVICES AND PASSIVE COMPONENTS – PERFORMANCE STANDARD – Part 085-06: Non-connectorized single-mode pigtailed CWDM devices for category OP+ – Extended outdoor protected environment

10.60 Close of voting

TC 86/SC 86B më tepër

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Connector optical interfaces for enhanced macro bend multimode fibres – Part 3-1: Connector parameters of physically contacting 50 µm core diameter fibres – Non-angled 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical full zirconia ferrules

10.20 New project ballot initiated

TC 86/SC 86B më tepër

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Basic test and measurement procedures – Part 2-58: Tests – Resistance test of immersion cooling environments

10.20 New project ballot initiated

TC 86/SC 86B më tepër

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Performance standard for railway application – Part 1: General and guidance

10.20 New project ballot initiated

TC 86/SC 86B më tepër

IEC 63412-2: Ultrasonics - Shear-wave elastography - Part 2: Preparation and characterization of phantoms for performance and constancy testing

00.00 Proposal for new project received

TC 87 më tepër

IEC 63412-3: Ultrasonics - Shear-wave elastography - Part 3: Procedures for performance and constancy testing

00.00 Proposal for new project received

TC 87 më tepër

Wind energy generation systems - Part 15-2: Framework for assessment and reporting of the wind resource and energy yield

10.60 Close of voting

TC 88 më tepër

Design requirements for Wind Turbine Generators

10.20 New project ballot initiated

TC 88 më tepër

Roadmap of grid integration of renewable energy generation

00.00 Proposal for new project received

TC 8/SC 8A më tepër

General requirements for grid-forming control of renewable energy

00.00 Proposal for new project received

TC 8/SC 8A më tepër

Guideline for the black start of offshore wind farms grid-connected via VSC-HVDC

00.00 Proposal for new project received

TC 8/SC 8A më tepër

Decentralized multiple energy systems

00.00 Proposal for new project received

TC 8/SC 8B më tepër

Coordinated Automatic Voltage Control for Power System with High Penetration of IBR(Inverter-based resource)

00.00 Proposal for new project received

TC 8/SC 8C më tepër

Electric power system restoration - Part 1: general guidelines

10.60 Close of voting

TC 8/SC 8C më tepër

Guidelines for inertia management of renewable penetrated power system – Part 1: Framework design

10.60 Close of voting

TC 8/SC 8C më tepër