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SSH EN 50385:2002

Standard produkti për të vertetuar përputhshmerinë e stacioneve bazë të radios dhe të stacioneve fikse terminale për sistemet e komunikimit pa tela me kufizimet bazë ose nivelet e referimit që lidhen me ekspozimin e njeriut ndaj frekuencave të radios

Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (110 MHz - 40 GHz) - General public
6 qer 2008

General information

60.60     1 jan 2007



European Norm

17.220.20     33.070.01  




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This product standard applies to radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems as defined in Clause 3, operating in the frequency range 110 MHz to 40 GHz.
The object of this standard is to demonstrate the compliance of such product with the basic restrictions (directly or indirectly via compliance with reference levels) related to general public exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Direktiva 1999/5/EC e Parlmentit Evropian dhe e Këshillit e datës 9 Mars 1999 mbi pajisjet radio dhe pajisjet e terminalit të telekomunikimeve dhe njohja e ndërsjelltë e konformitetit të tyre

Të harmonizuara

Life cycle


SSH EN 50385:2002
60.60 Standard published
1 jan 2007

Related project

Adopted from EN 50385:2002