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SSH EN ISO 11064-1:2004

Projektimi ergonomik i qëndrave të komandimit - Pjesa 1: Parimet për projektimin e qëndrave të komandimit

Ergonomic design of control centres - Part 1: Principles for the design of control centres (ISO 11064-1:2000)
1 nën 2004

General information

60.60     1 nën 2004


DPS/KT 114

European Norm

13.180     25.040.10  




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This Part of ISO 11064 specifies requirements and establishes general principles for the ergonomic design of a new control centre, as well as for control centre expansion, refurbishment, and technology based upgrades. This part of ISO 11064 covers all types of control centres, for example, those found in process plants, transport/logistic control systems, and people deployment transportation systems.

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 11064-1:2004
60.60 Standard published
1 nën 2004

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO 11064-1:2000


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