Zbatimet hekurudhore - Montimet e palëvizshme - Pajisja shpërndarëse d.c - Matja, kontrolli dhe pajisjet mbrojtëse për përdorim të veçantë në sistemet tërheqës d.c - Pjesa 7 - 3: Transduktorët izolues të tensionit dhe pajisjet e tjera matëse të tensionit
Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 7-3: Measurement, control and protection devices for specific use in d.c. traction systems - Isolating voltage transducers and other voltage measuring devices
This European Standard gives the requirements for isolating voltage transducers and other voltage measuring devices used in d.c. railway applications, fixed installations.
This transducer is normally positioned between the voltage sensor on the live switchboard conductor or rail and the secondary device, giving galvanic insulation between the input and the output.
Life cycle
PUBLISHED SSH EN 50123-7-3:2003 60.60
Standard published 1 jan 2005