This European Prestandard specifies a method for assessing the resistance of wood-based panel products to attack by wood-destroying basidiomycete fungi growing in pure culture.
The method is applicable to uncoated, rigid wood-based panel products. It is applicable to the determination of the decay resistance of wood-based panel products:
- made from naturally durable materials;
- made from materials treated with preservatives prior to manufacture;
- treated with a preservative which is introduced during manufacture, for example as an additive to the adhesive;
- treated with preservative after manufacture.
NOTE 1 This method can be used in conjunction with an appropriate ageing procedure, for example EN 73 or EN 84.
NOTE 2 Wood-based panel products that have received a preservative treatment after manufacture can be susceptible to attack through the cut edges of the test specimens and the decay resistance indicated can be less than that of complete panels used in service.
Directives related to this standards.
Rregullorja (BE) Nr. 305/2011 e Parlamentit Evropian dhe e Këshillit e datës 9 Mars 2011 që parashtron kushtet e harmonizuara për tregtimin e produkteve të ndërtimit dhe shfuqizimin e Direktivës së Këshillit KEE/89/106
SSH ENV 12038:2005
Standard published
1 dhj 2005
SSH EN 113-3:2023