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prSSH EN ISO/CIE 11664-5:2024

Kolorimetri - Pjesa 5: Hapësira ngjyruese CIE 1976 L*u*v* dhe diagrama e shkallëzuar e kromaticitetit uniformë u’, v’ (ISO/CIE 11664-5:2024)

Colorimetry - Part 5: CIE 1976 L*u*v* colour space and u', v' uniform chromaticity scale diagram (ISO/CIE 11664-5:2024)

General information

40.20     10 shk 2025

40.60    7 maj 2025


DPS/KT 298

European Norm



This document specifies the method of calculating the coordinates of the CIE 1976 L*u*v* colour space including correlates of lightness, chroma, saturation and hue. It includes two methods for calculating Euclidean distances in this space to represent the relative perceived magnitude of colour differences. It also specifies the method of calculating the coordinates of the u′,v′ uniform chromaticity scale diagram.
This document is applicable to tristimulus values calculated using the colour-matching functions of the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system or the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric system. This document is applicable for the specification of colour stimuli perceived as belonging to a reflecting or transmitting object, where a three-dimensional space more uniform than tristimulus space is required. This includes self-luminous displays, like computer, television and smart-phone displays, if they are being used to simulate reflecting or transmitting objects and if the stimuli are appropriately normalized.
This document, as a whole, does not apply to colour stimuli perceived as belonging to an area that appears to be emitting light as a primary light source or that appears to be specularly reflecting such light. Only the u′,v′ uniform chromaticity scale diagram defined in 4.1 and the correlates of hue and saturation defined in 4.3 apply to such colour stimuli.

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 11664-5:2016


prSSH EN ISO/CIE 11664-5:2024
40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks
10 shk 2025

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO/CIE 11664-5:2024 IDENTICAL

Adopted from ISO/CIE 11664-5:2024 IDENTICAL


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