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SSH EN 23-1:1978

Paketimet për pluhurat larës dhe pastrues - Përmasat dhe volumi i kartonave dhe kutive prej kartoni fibroz

Packages for washing and cleaning powders - Dimensions and volumes of cartons and drums from fibre board
31 dhj 2004

General information

60.60     31 dhj 2004


DPS/KT 261

European Norm





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This standard specifies the volumes and the characteristic dimensions of the packages. The dimensions of the packs are such that multiples of a unit volume of 750 ml are obtained. The respective volumes are expressed by symbols consisting of a letter and a whole number which, multiplied by 750 ml, corresponds to the nominal volume of the package.

The provision laid down in this standard shall apply to packages (cartons with or without a sleeve liner and drums), manufactured from cartonboard, solid fibreboard or corrugated fibreboard, designed alone or in combination for packaging washing and cleaning powders.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Radha e sasive të lejuara dhe kapacitetet e lejuara për para-ambalazhimin e produkteve


Rendi i sasive nominale dhe kapaciteteve nominale të lejuara oër disa produkte të para-paketuara (Amendim ndaj Direktivës 80/232/EEC)

Life cycle


SSH EN 23-1:1978
60.60 Standard published
31 dhj 2004

Related project

Adopted from EN 23-1:1978