This standard specifies the volumes and the characteristic dimensions of the packages. The dimensions of the packs are such that multiples of a unit volume of 750 ml are obtained. The respective volumes are expressed by symbols consisting of a letter and a whole number which, multiplied by 750 ml, corresponds to the nominal volume of the package.
The provision laid down in this standard shall apply to packages (cartons with or without a sleeve liner and drums), manufactured from cartonboard, solid fibreboard or corrugated fibreboard, designed alone or in combination for packaging washing and cleaning powders.
Directives related to this standards.
Radha e sasive të lejuara dhe kapacitetet e lejuara për para-ambalazhimin e produkteve
Rendi i sasive nominale dhe kapaciteteve nominale të lejuara oër disa produkte të para-paketuara (Amendim ndaj Direktivës 80/232/EEC)
SSH EN 23-1:1978
Standard published
31 dhj 2004