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prSSH EN ISO 105-B04:2024

Tekstilet - Provat për qëndrueshmërinë e ngjyrës - Pjesa B04: Qëndrueshmëria e ngjyrës në kushte klimaterike artificiale - Prova me fikje të llampës me hark ksenon

Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part B04: Colour fastness to artificial weathering: Xenon arc fading lamp test (ISO 105‑B04:2024)

General information

40.20     10 shk 2025

40.60    7 maj 2025


DPS/KT 248

European Norm



This document specifies a method intended for determining the effect on the colour of textiles of all kinds, except loose fibres, to the action of weather as determined by exposure to simulated weathering conditions in a test chamber equipped with a xenon arc lamp. This document focuses on textiles (such as apparel) where the main evaluation criterium is the colour fastness.
This method can be used to determine if a textile is sensitive to the combined effect of light and water.
NOTE 1        General information on colour fastness to light is given in Annex A.
NOTE 2        ISO 105-B10 provides guidance on testing textiles or technical textiles, which are permanently exposed to an outdoor environment and/or require mechanical testing (such as tensile strength determination).

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 105-B04:2005


prSSH EN ISO 105-B04:2024
40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks
10 shk 2025

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO 105-B04:2024 IDENTICAL

Adopted from ISO 105-B04:2024 IDENTICAL


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