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prSSH ETS 300 324-5:1999 ed.2

Ndërfaqet V në Shkëmbime dixhitale Lokale (LE); Ndërfaqe V5.2 për mbështetjen e Aksesit në Rrjet (AN); Pjesa 5: Specifikim i Strukturës së Plotë të Provës dhe Qëllimet e Provës (TSS dhe TP) në lidhje me shtresën e rrjetit (ana LE)

V interfaces at the digital Local Exchange (LE); V5.1 interface for the support of Access Network (AN); Part 5: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) specification for the network layer (LE side)

General information

40.20     6 maj 2025

40.60    7 maj 2025



European Norm



This fifth part of ETS 300 324 contains the Test Suite Structure (TSS) and Test Purposes (TPs) for the Network layer (NWK) and parts of the system management of the Local Exchange (LE) side of a V5.1 interface. The objective of this ETS is to provide conformance tests giving a high probability of inter-operability of an Access Network (AN) and a LE from different manufacturers over the V5.1 interface. This ETS covers the procedures described in ETS 300 324-1 [1] only.

Life cycle


prSSH ETS 300 324-5:1999 ed.2
40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks
6 maj 2025

Related project

Adopted from ETS 300 324-5: April 1999


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