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prSSH EN ISO 18563-3:2024

Provat pa shkatërrim - Karakterizimi dhe verifikimi i pajisjeve të serisë fazore ultrasonike - Pjesa 3: Sistemet e kombinuara (ISO 18563-3: 2024)

Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of ultrasonic phased array equipment - Part 3: Complete systems (ISO 18563-3:2024)

General information

40.20     10 shk 2025

40.60    7 maj 2025


DPS/KT 138

European Norm



This document addresses ultrasonic test systems implementing array probes, for contact technique (with or without wedge) or for immersion technique, with centre frequencies in the range of 0,5 MHz to 10 MHz.
This document provides methods and acceptance criteria for determining the compliance of the complete system (see 3.2). Its purpose is for the verification of the correct operation of the system prior to testing or verification of the absence of degradation of the system.
The methods are not intended to prove the suitability of the system for particular applications but are intended to prove the capability of the complete system (used for an application) to operate correctly according to the settings used. Tests can be performed on individual ultrasonic beams (for phased array technique, see 9.4.4) or on resulting images (for phased array technique and total focusing technique, see 9.4.3).
The tests can be limited to the functions that are intended to be used for a certain application.
This document does not cover the sensitivity setting of the system for a specific application. Nor does it apply to the characterization or verification of the mechanical scanning equipment. It is intended that these items will be covered by the test procedure.
This document does not address the phased array technique using tandem technique.
The characterization of beams, as recommended in case of dead elements or for more in-depth knowledge of the beams, is presented in Annex A. It is not applicable for signal processing technology using arrays.
NOTE            Unless stated otherwise, in this document ‘TFM’ and ‘TFM technique’ refer to the total focusing technique as defined in ISO 23243, and to related techniques, see for example ISO 23865 and ISO 23234.

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 18563-3:2015


prSSH EN ISO 18563-3:2024
40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks
10 shk 2025

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO 18563-3:2024 IDENTICAL

Adopted from ISO 18563-3:2024 IDENTICAL


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