This document specifies procedures for the calculation of the energy needs for heating and cooling, internal temperatures and sensible and latent heat loads of a building according to the hourly calculation methodology in ISO 52016-1. Additions or modifications of the calculations are provided in this document if the building envelope contains one or more adaptive building envelope elements (building envelope elements with adaptive components that are either environmentally or actively controlled as a function of specific conditions). The adaptive building envelope element replaces the transparent building element in the calculation according to ISO 52016-1.
The three types of adaptive building envelope elements covered in this document are:
— building envelope elements with dynamic solar shading;
— building envelope elements with chromogenic glazing;
— building envelope elements with an actively ventilated cavity.
Environmentally activated control is described for building envelope elements with chromogenic glazing, but can also occur for other types of adaptive building envelope elements. In that case the same approach applies as for environmentally activated chromogenic glazing.
This document is applicable to the assessment of the energy performance of buildings (EPB) (energy performance labels and certificates), including comparison between buildings and checking conformity with minimum energy performance criteria.
It is also applicable to assess the contribution of the adaptive building envelope element to the smart readiness of a building.
In addition, this document provides indicators for the impact of the adaptive building envelope element on the performance of the building compared to a reference building envelope element. It is applicable to buildings at the design stage, to new buildings after construction and to existing buildings in the use phase.
This document is not applicable to geometrically complex adaptive building envelope elements that can only be modelled as multiple coupled thermal zones.
NOTE The background to the selection of adaptive building envelope elements is given in ISO/TR 52016-4.
prSSH EN ISO 52016-3:2024
DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks
10 shk 2025
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