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prSSH EN 301 025-1 V1.5.1:2011

Çështjet e pajtueshmërisë Elektromagnetike dhe të spektrit të Radios (ERM); Pajisjet radiotelefonike VHF për komunikime të përgjithshme dhe pajisjet shoqëruese për Klasën "D" të Thirrjes Dixhitale Selektive (DSC); Pjesa 1: Karakteristika teknike dhe metodat e matjes

Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);VHF radiotelephone equipment for general communications and associated equipment for Class "D" Digital Selective Calling (DSC);Part 1: Technical characteristics and methods of measurement

General information

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European Norm


The present document covers the minimum requirements for general communication for shipborne fixed installations using a VHF radiotelephone operating in certain frequency bands allocated to the maritime mobile service using either 25 kHz or 25 kHz and 12,5 kHz channels and associated equipment for DSC - class D. These requirements include the relevant provisions of the ITU Radio Regulations, appendix 18 [1], ITU-R Recommendations M.493-13 [3] (where class D is defined), M.825-3 [i.5] and incorporate the relevant guidelines of the IMO as detailed in IMO Circular MSC/Circ-803 [i.2]. The present document also specifies technical characteristics, methods of measurement and required test results.

Life cycle


prSSH EN 301 025-1 V1.5.1:2011
40.60 Close of voting
5 sht 2024

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