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prSSH EN 300 908 V7.5.1:2000

Sistemi i telekomunikacionit dixhital celular (Faza 2+) (GSM); Multipleksimi dhe aksesi i shumëfishtë në rrugën radio (GSM 05.02 versioni 7.5.1 Publikimi 1998)

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Multiplexing and multiple access on the radio path (GSM 05.02 version 7.5.1 Release 1998)

General information

40.60     5 sht 2024



European Norm


The present document defines the physical channels of the radio sub-system required to support the logical channels. It includes a description of the logical channels and the definition of frequency hopping, TDMA frames, timeslots and bursts.

Life cycle


prSSH EN 300 908 V7.5.1:2000
40.60 Close of voting
5 sht 2024

Related project

Adopted from EN 300 908 V7.5.1:2000


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