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prSSH EN 301 515 V2.3.0:2005

Sistemi Global për komunikim të Lëvizshëm (GSM); Kërkesat për funksionimin GSM në hekurudha

Global System for Mobile communication (GSM); Requirements for GSM operation on railways

General information

40.60     5 sht 2024



European Norm


The present document identifies the 3GPP Technical Specifications which contain provisions relating to the use of GSM for application on railway networks. The present document is applicable to GSM communication systems embraced by the European Council Directives 96/48/EC [1] and 2001/16/EC [2] on the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed and conventional rail system.

Life cycle


prSSH EN 301 515 V2.3.0:2005
40.60 Close of voting
5 sht 2024

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