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SSH ISO 22486:2019

Makinë për pirjen e duhanit me tuba uji - Përkufizimet dhe kushtet standarde

Water pipe tobacco smoking machine — Definitions and standard conditions
7 mar 2023

General information

60.60     7 mar 2023


DPS/KT 230

International Standard





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This document
— defines smoking parameters and specifies the standard conditions to be provided for the routine analytical machine smoking of water pipe tobacco, where the water pipe tobacco sample is electrically heated only and not combusted;
— specifies the requirements for a routine analytical smoking machine complying with the standard conditions.
This document is only applicable for water pipe tobacco used in devices known as "arghile", "hookah", "nargile" or "shisha" in which tobacco is heated, not combusted. Other types of water pipe tobacco that are used in other devices such as "Chinese water pipe" are not covered.

Life cycle


SSH ISO 22486:2019
60.60 Standard published
7 mar 2023

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Adopted from ISO 22486:2019