This standard specifies a method for sampling and filtration of gases, in view of their HCl concentration determination. Subsequent HCl absorption and analysis are described in prEN 1911-2 and prEN 1911-3 respectively. The method applies to ducted gaseous streams emitted by waste incinerators, and more generally to waste gases in which HCl concentration may vary between 1 mg. m-3 and 5000 mg.m-3 under normal pressure and temperature conditions. The method is validated for gaseous streams of dust concentration below 100 mg.m-3, and is not suitable for measurement of molecular chlorine Cl2 content.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2000/76/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të datës 4 dhjetor 2000 mbi djegien e mbeturinave
Parandalimi i ndotjes së ajrit nga impjantet shkrumbuese të mbeturinave të reja komunale
Reduktimi i ndotjes së ajrit nga impiantet e shkrumbimit të mbetjeve ekzistuese komunale
SSH EN 1911-1:2004
Withdrawal of Standard
9 qer 2015
SSH EN 1911:2010