This document specifies the safety requirements for buoyancy aids, performance level 50. It is applicable to buoyancy aids for adults and children with a body mass greater than 25 kg only, used in sheltered waters.
Buoyancy aids require active participation by the user where help and rescue are close at hand.
One-piece and two-piece inherently buoyant floatation suit PFDs are deemed to qualify as special application devices according to ISO 12402-6:2020.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktivë e Këshillit që amendon Direktivën 90/396/EEC (enë të thjeshta presioni), 88/378/EEC (siguria e lojrave), 89/106/EEC (produkte ndërtimi), 89/336/EEC (kompatibiliteti elektromagnetik), 89/392/EEC (makineria), 89/686/EEC (pajisje mbrojtëse personale), 90/384/EEC (instrumenta automatikë të peshimit), 90/385/EEC (pajisje aktive mjekësore të implantueshme), 90/396/EEC (pajisje shtëpiake që djegin lëndë djegëse në gjendje të gaztë), 91/263/EEC (pajisje të terminaleve të telekominukacionit), 92/42/EEC dhe 73/23/EEC
SSH EN ISO 12402-5:2006/A1:2010
EN ISO 12402-5:2006
SSH EN ISO 12402-5:2006/AC:2006
SSH EN ISO 12402-5:2020
Standard published
23 pri 2021