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SSH ISO 9902-6:2018

Makineri tekstili - Kodi i provës së zhurmës - Pjesa 6: Makineritë e prodhimit të stofrave

Textile machinery - Noise test code - Part 6: Fabric manufacturing machinery
2 pri 2020

General information

60.60     11 shk 2020


DPS/KT 114

Pure national standard

59.120.01     17.140.20  




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This document covers the different types of weaving and knitting machines defined in ISO 5247 (all parts)[2] and ISO 7839[3], respectively.

It is applicable to:

- full-width weaving machines with weft insertion by:
- shuttles;
- rigid, telescopic or flexible rapiers;
- projectiles;
- hydraulic (waterjet) or by pneumatic (airjet) nozzle;

- narrow fabric weaving machines with weft insertion by shuttles or needles;
- jacquard machines;
- knitting machinery including:
- circular knitting;
- flat bed knitting;
- warp knitting;
- raschel;
- cotton (flat weft weaving);

- other fabric manufacturing machines e.g.:
- multi-phase weaving machines;
- circular weaving machines;
- stitch bonding machines.

NOTE: Because of the high requirements on measurement conditions, grade 1 methods are normally not feasible for textile machinery

Life cycle


SSH ISO 9902-6:2018
60.60 Standard published
11 shk 2020


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