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DS CEN/TS 17240:2018

Sisteme inteligjente të transportit – Siguria elektronike (eSafety) – Prova e përpuethshmërisë end to end për eCall për sistemet IMS që bazohen në ndërimin e paketave

Intelligent transport systems - ESafety - ECall end to end conformance testing for IMS packet switched based systems
21 maj 2019

General information

60.60     30 jan 2019


DPS/KT 224

Technical Specification





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This document defines the key actors in the eCall chain of service provision using IMS over packet switched networks (such as LTE/4G) as:
1) In-vehicle system (3.20) (IVS)/vehicle,
2) Mobile network Operator (MNO),
3) Public safety answering point (3.27) (PSAP),
and to provide conformance tests for actor groups 1) - 3).
NOTE 1 Conformance tests are not appropriate nor required for vehicle occupants (3.36), although they are the recipient of the service.
NOTE 2 Third party eCall systems (TPS eCall) are not within the scope of this deliverable. This is because the core TPS-eCall (3.32) standard (EN 16102) does not specify the communications link between the vehicle and the TPS service provider (3.29).
NOTE 3 These conformance tests are based on the appropriate conformance tests from EN 16454 which was published before Internet Protocol multimedia Systems (IMS) packet switched networks were available. This deliverable therefore replicates the appropriate tests from EN 16454 (and acknowledge their source); adapt and revise Conformance Test Protocols (CTP) from EN 16454 to an IMS paradigm; or provide new additional tests that are required for the IMS paradigm. Some 14 112-eCall (Pan European eCall) tests provided in EN 16454 are specific to GSM/UMTS circuit switched communications and not appropriate for the IMS paradigm and are therefore excluded from this deliverable.
This document therefore provides a suite of ALL conformance tests for IVS equipment, MNO’s, and PSAPS, required to ensure and demonstrate compliance to CEN/TS 17184.
NOTE 4 Because in the event of non-viability or non-existence of an IMS supporting network at any particular time/location, IMS-eCall systems revert to CS networked eCall systems eCall via GSM/UMTS, IVS and PSAPs need to support, and prove compliance to both IMS and CS switched networks.
The Scope covers conformance testing (and approval) of new engineering developments, products and systems, and does not imply testing associated with individual installations in vehicles or locations.

Related directives

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Direktiva 2010/40/EU e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të datës 7 korrik 2010 në kuadrin e vendosjes së sistemeve të transportit Inteligjente në fushën e transportit rrugor dhe përballjes me mënyrat e tjera të Tekst transportit me EEA

Life cycle


DS CEN/TS 17240:2018
60.60 Standard published
30 jan 2019


prSSH EN 17240:2024

Related project

Adopted from CEN/TS 17240:2018