Sterilizimi i produkteve të kujdesit shëndetësor - Rrezatimi - Pjesa 3: Udhëzim mbi aspektet e zhvillimit të dozifikimit, vlerësimi dhe kontrolli rutinë (ISO 11137-3:2017)
Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 3: Guidance on dosimetric aspects of development, validation and routine control (ISO 11137-3:2017)
ISO 11137-3:2017 gives guidance on meeting the requirements in ISO 11137-1 and ISO 11137-2 and in ISO/TS 13004 relating to dosimetry and its use in development, validation and routine control of a radiation sterilization process.
Life cycle
PUBLISHED SSH EN ISO 11137-3:2017 60.60
Standard published 26 jan 2018