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SSH EN 60404-1:2017

Materiale magnetike - Pjesa 1: Klasifikimi

Magnetic materials - Part 1: Classification
30 nën 2017

General information

60.60     10 korr 2017



European Norm



SSH EN 60404-1:2017 :: EN

Download free of charge


IEC 60404-1:2016 is available as <a
href="https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/26096">IEC 60404-1:2016
RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline
version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to
the previous edition.

IEC 60404-1:2016(E) is intended to classify commercially available magnetic materials. The term "magnetic materials" denotes substances where the application requires the existence of ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic properties. The classification of magnetic materials is based upon the generally recognized existence of two main groups of products:

- soft magnetic materials (coercivity less than or equal to 1 000 A/m);

- hard magnetic materials (coercivity greater than 1 000 A/m). This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:

a) Removal of all tables and values describing typical properties of the material to be consistent with the aim of the document to be a classification and not a specification.

b) Enlargement of the Ni content for the classes E1 and E3.

c) Enlargement of the Co content for the classes F3.

d) Addition of a new class: U5 bonded rare earth-iron-nitrogen magnets.

Life cycle


SSH EN 60404-1:2017
60.60 Standard published
10 korr 2017

Related project

Adopted from EN 60404-1:2017

Adopted from IEC 60404-1 Ed. 3.0 en