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SSH EN 515:2017

Alumini dhe lidhje të aluminit - Produkte të farkëtuara - Përcaktimi i gjendjes metalurgjike

Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought products - Temper designations
6 tet 2017

General information

60.60     2 gush 2017


DPS/KT 133

European Norm

01.040.77     77.120.10     77.150.01  




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This European Standard establishes temper designations for all forms of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys and for continuously cast aluminium and aluminium alloys drawing stock and strip intended to be wrought.
NOTE Some of these temper designations may be subject of patent or patent applications and their listing herein is not to be construed in any way as the granting of a license under such patent right.
Additional temper designations, conforming to this standard, may be standardized with CEN/TC 132 and AECMA/5 provided:
- the temper is used or is available for use by more than one user;
- mechanical property limits are defined;
- the characteristics of the temper are significantly different from those of all other tempers which have the same sequence of basic treatments and for which designations already have been assigned for the same alloy and product;
- the following are also defined if characteristics other than mechanical properties are considered significant:
a) test methods and limits for the characteristics; or
b) the specific practices used to produce the temper.

Life cycle


SSH EN 515:2017
60.60 Standard published
2 gush 2017

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Adopted from EN 515:2017


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