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SSH ISO 20773:2013

Cigare - Përcaktimi i përmbajtjes së grimcës së thatë pa nikotinë në tymin që kalon nga një cigare në ajrin përreth - Metoda duke përdorur një makinë pirje duhani lineare analitike rutinë pajisur me një oxhak në formë bishtpeshk

Cigarettes — Determination of nicotine-free dry particulate matter and nicotine in sidestream smoke — Method using a routine analytical linear smoking machine equipped with a fishtail chimney
13 qer 2017

General information

60.60     31 jan 2017


DPS/KT 275

International Standard





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ISO 20773:2013 is applicable to the determination of total particulate matter and to the subsequent determination of nicotine and nicotine-free dry particulate matter present in the sidestream smoke from cigarettes. The described method is specified using the ISO 3308 smoking parameters (puff volume, duration and frequency) and butt length, but it is technically compatible with other smoking regimes.

Life cycle


SSH ISO 20773:2013
60.60 Standard published
31 jan 2017

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Adopted from ISO 20773:2013