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SSH EN 15433-6:2016

Ngarkesa transporti - Matja dhe vlerësimi i ngarkesave dinamike mekanike - Pjesa 6: Sistemet e regjistrimit automatik për matjen e goditjeve të rastësishme gjatë monitorimit të transportit

Transportation loads - Measurement and evaluation of dynamic-mechanical loads - Part 6: Automatic recording systems for measuring randomly occurring shock during monitoring of transports
24 maj 2017

General information

60.60     20 jan 2017


DPS/KT 261

European Norm





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This European Standard specifies the technical and functional properties of automatic recording equipment used to determine randomly appearing shocks during transportation.
Such automatic recording equipment can be used to:
— determine mechanical shock loads on individual transportations;
— monitor the transportation means to observe the limits of the shock parameters;
— determine the shock loads on the transported item.
This standard defines the sensors to be attached to the device, and specifies the minimum requirements for the parameters to be adjusted. It also defines the minimum requirements for the data analysis, as well as the data presentation.
This standard covers the complete recording equipment, including its accelerometers and the data analysis in an external data processing unit. The accelerometers can be integrated into the device or separately mounted from it (external sensors).
This standard also applies to the routine monitoring of individual transportations

Life cycle


SSH EN 15433-6:2007


SSH EN 15433-6:2016
60.60 Standard published
20 jan 2017

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Adopted from EN 15433-6:2016


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