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SSH EN 438-5:2016

Laminate dekorative me presion të lartë (HPL) - Fletë me bazë rrëshire termoreaktive (zakonisht të quajtura laminate) - Pjesa 5: Klasifikimi dhe specifikime për laminate të kategorisë së parketit me trashësi më të vogël se 2 mm të destinuara për lidhjen e shtresave mbështetëse

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 5: Classification and specifications for flooring grade laminates less than 2 mm thick intended for bonding to supporting substrates
13 pri 2017

General information

60.60     19 jan 2017


DPS/KT 249

European Norm





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This European Standard applies to six classes of flooring grade laminates less than 2 mm thick produced by using a high pressure process, intended for bonding to supporting substrates, to produce HPL flooring elements. For laminate floor covering applications they meet the surface property requirements specified in EN 13329.
High-pressure decorative flooring laminates are characterised by their high resistance to abrasion, aesthetic qualities and durability. They have good hygienic and anti-static properties and are easy to clean and maintain.
The requirements in this document apply only to the high-pressure laminate, and additional properties will need to be specified in order to define the functional performance of the finished flooring product.
This European Standard applies only to decorative laminates as defined in Clause 3.
EN 438-2 specifies the methods of test relevant to this European Standard.

Life cycle


SSH EN 438-5:2005


SSH EN 438-5:2016
60.60 Standard published
19 jan 2017

Related project

Adopted from EN 438-5:2016