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SSH ISO 17491-5:2013

Veshje mbrojtëse - Metoda prove për sigurimin e veshjeve mbrojtëse ndaj kimikateve - Pjesa 5: Përcaktimi i qëndrueshmërisë ndaj depërtimit të spërkatjes së një lëngu (testi i spërkatjes me anë të një manikini)

Protective clothing — Test methods for clothing providing protection against chemicals — Part 5: Determination of resistance to penetration by a spray of liquid (manikin spray test)
29 mar 2017

General information

60.60     16 jan 2017


DPS/KT 160

International Standard





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ISO 17491-5:2013 specifies an alternative test method to the one described in ISO 17491-4.
The method for determining the resistance to chemical spray penetration differs from the method in ISO 17491-4 in that it uses a static manikin instead of a test subject. It also uses a different spray configuration and duration.

Life cycle


SSH ISO 17491-5:2013
60.60 Standard published
16 jan 2017

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Adopted from ISO 17491-5:2013