Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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SSH EN 1073-1:2016

Veshje mbrojtëse kundër grimcave të përqëndruara në ajër duke përfshirë ndotjen radioaktive - Pjesa 1: Kërkesat dhe metoda prove për veshjet mbrojtëse me ajrosje (ventilim) për mbrojtjen e trupit dhe rrugëve të frymëmarrjes

Protective clothing against solid airborne particles including radioactive contamination - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for compressed air line ventilated protective clothing, protecting the body and the respiratory tract
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   15 nën 2019

General information

95.99     15 nën 2019


DPS/KT 160

European Norm

13.280     13.340.10  


This European Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for protective clothing, ventilated by an independent supply of air from an uncontaminated source, protecting the body and the respiratory system of the wearer against solid airborne particles including radioactive contamination. This kind of protective clothing can be provided with an emergency breathing facility.
This European Standard does not apply for the protection against ionizing radiation and the protection of patients against contamination with radioactive substances by diagnostic and/or therapeutic measures.
If additional protection against chemicals is required, reference should be made to the relevant standard and/or CEN/TR 15419.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Pajisjet mbrojtëse personale (PPE)

Life cycle


SSH EN 1073-1:2007


SSH EN 1073-1:2016
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
15 nën 2019


SSH EN 1073-1:2016+A1:2018

Related project

Adopted from EN 1073-1:2016


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