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SSH EN 4644-023:2015

Seritë e hapësirës ajrore - Fisha lidhës, elektrike dhe optike, drejtkëndëshe modulare, kunja drejtkëndëshe, temperaturë pune 175 °C e vazhdueshme (ose 125 °C) - Pjesa 023: Fishë, masa 2, me bllok tokëzimi, klasa B, F - Standard produkti

Aerospace series - Connector, electrical and optical, rectangular, modular, rectangular inserts, operating temperature 175 °C (or 125 °C) continuous - Part 023: Plug, size 2, with ground block, class B and F - Product standard
12 dhj 2016

General information

60.60     3 gush 2016


DPS/KT 320

European Norm

49.060     49.090  




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This European Standard specifies the size 2 plug for disconnect applications used in the family of modular rectangular electrical and optical connector with rectangular inserts. The receptacle corresponding to this plug is defined in EN 4644-024 or EN4644-025 or EN4644-026.

Life cycle


SSH EN 4644-023:2015
60.60 Standard published
3 gush 2016

Related project

Adopted from EN 4644-023:2015