Cigare - Matja e grimcës së thatë pa nikotinë, nikotinës, ujit dhe monoksidit të karbonit në tymin e cigares - Analiza e të dhënave nga studimet bashkëpunuese që tregojnë marrëdhëniet ndërmjet përsëritshmërisë, riprodhueshmërisë dhe tolerancës
Cigarettes — Measurement of nicotine-free dry particulate matter, nicotine, water and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke — Analysis of data from collaborative studies reporting relationships between repeatability, reproducibility and tolerances
ISO/TR 22305 records the data and conclusions from a review of international collaborative studies to establish the tolerance for checks of the carbon monoxide yields declared by cigarette manufacturers for their products, as specified in ISO 8243.
Life cycle
PUBLISHED DS ISO/TR 22305:2006 60.60
Standard published 12 korr 2016