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SSH EN ISO 13894-2:2015

Laminatet dekorative me trysni të lartë - Elemente të përbëra - Pjesa 2 : Specifikime për elemente të përbëra me substrate me bazë druri për përdorim të brendshëm (ISO 13894-2:2005)

High-pressure decorative laminates - Composite elements - Part 2 : Specifications for composite elements with wood-based substrates for interior use (ISO 13894-2:2005)
27 pri 2016

General information

60.60     27 pri 2016


DPS/KT 249

European Norm

83.140.20     97.150  




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ISO 13894-2:2005 describes the general properties of composite elements surfaced, and possibly edged, with high-pressure decorative laminate (HPDL). The composite elements specified consist of HPDL sheet material adhesively bonded to one or both sides of a wood-based substrate, and are intended for normal interior use.
Requirements for special applications, e.g. where the product is subjected to extreme conditions of heat or moisture, are not specified.

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 13894-2:2015
60.60 Standard published
27 pri 2016

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Adopted from EN ISO 13894-2:2015