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SSH EN 9115:2013

Sistemet e menaxhimit të cilësisë - Kërkesat për aviacionin, hapësirën dhe organizatat e mbrojtjes - Program i shpërndashëm (shtesa për EN 9100)

Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations - Deliverable Software (Supplement to EN 9100)
10 dhj 2015

General information

60.60     10 dhj 2015


DPS/KT 320

European Norm

03.100.70     03.120.10     35.080     49.020  




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The requirements of EN 9100 apply with the following clarification for software.
This document supplements the EN 9100 standard requirements for deliverable software and contains quality
management system requirements for organizations that design, develop, and/or produce deliverable software
for the aviation, space, and defense industry. This includes, as required, support software that is used in the
development and maintenance of deliverable software. The deliverable software may be stand-alone,
embedded, or loadable into a target computer.
Where the use of Hardware Description Language (HDL) or high order language is utilized as the design
source of electronic hardware [e.g., Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), Programmable Logic
Device (PLD)], the organization and customer shall agree on the extent of applicability of this supplement.
NOTE 1 For airborne electronic hardware guidance, see RTCA/DO-254 or EUROCAE ED-80; and for product
realization requirements, see EN 9100.
Where Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) or non-developmental software is integrated into a deliverable
product, the organization and customer shall agree on the extent of applicability of this supplement.
For the purposes of this document, the terms “product” and “software product” are considered synonymous.
NOTE 2 This document is independent of the life cycle models (e.g., waterfall, spiral, evolutionary,

Life cycle


SSH EN 9115:2013
60.60 Standard published
10 dhj 2015

Related project

Adopted from EN 9115:2013